
Urgent Help Needed

  • Middleton Cubs Helpers, Monday 6.30pm to 8.00pm
  • Willoughby Cubs Helpers, Thursday 6.30pm to 8.00pm
  • Fundraising Volunteers
  • Ebay sellers
  • Exec role – Group Chair
  • Exec role – Group Secretary


We enjoy welcoming new faces to our group of friendly volunteers who run the 124th Nottingham Scout group, anyone can help, you don’t have to have a child in the group to volunteer with us, here are just a few of the ways you can get involved:

  • Join our leader team. We will provide you with the training you need to make a positive impact on young lives. To find out more get in touch.
  • Help on activity nights. Whether it’s once a year or something more regular our leaders always welcome extra pairs of hands and you get to see first hand the fabulous activities we offer. You may also have an interesting hobby or occupation that our young people would be inspired by, previously Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Police Officers, Engineers and many other occupations have spent time with us. Could you spare an hour? Please contact the section you could help support or the Group Scout Leader by using the Get in Touch form.
  • Fund raising. Our regular jumble sales and fund raising events take a lot of arranging and are organised by a dedicated team of volunteers, extra help is always appreciated. Collecting jumble and setting up stalls are just two ways you can help, get in touch if you can.
  • Join the 124th Exec. The Exec oversee all aspects of the 124th Scout Group, these dedicated volunteers and leaders ensure the effective ongoing management of the group, the maintenance of the building and that the sections have all the resources they need. Get in touch if you can help.
GSL’s Comment:
“We’re currently looking for people to join the 124th‘s leader team, if you are able to volunteer and spare some of your time please contact me”.

mock auction 2016


Bear Grylls says:
“We have crazy waiting lists, there are 35,000 kids wanting to join the Scouts. Our challenge is always to get enough adult volunteers to keep up with that growth, so my message is always that busy people can do a little bit.”